Case Study

Since 2015, Fundoshi Parade has been making mobile games with easy-to-understand mechanics and absurd humor. This vision is on full display in the “Just Kill Me” series of apps, which skipped #2 and went straight to Just Kill Me 3 in 2016. Since then, the exhilarating tap game has received more than four million downloads worldwide.

After a few years on the market, the volume of users regularly downloading and playing Just Kill Me 3 began to decline. To balance user acquisition with long-term retention and improve ROAS, Fundoshi Parade started running Cost Per Engagement (CPE) campaigns in 2019. After seeing initial success, the app maker switched to Tapjoy Multi-Reward CPE advertising in 2020.


  • Acquire high-value users
  • Maintain high ROAS

Through an in-game survey, players of Just Kill Me 3 indicated that they particularly liked the game’s story. To ensure that new players progressed enough to see the narrative unfold, Fundoshi Parade teamed up with Tapjoy to create multi-reward CPE ads to deepen engagement throughout the funnel.

Using Multi-Reward CPE, Fundoshi set multiple achievement checkpoints throughout Just Kill Me 3, each tied to key story moments. Players receive a larger reward after making their way through all achievement checkpoints, which encouraged them to keep playing. Meanwhile, Fundoshi Parade worked with Tapjoy’s mobile strategists to ensure that the campaign was generating a consistently high ROAS.


After implementing its Multi-Reward CPE strategy, the number of new users tripled month-over-month, while short and long-term retention both got a boost. The campaigns also consistently achieved high ROAS, allowing the company to make the most of its ad budget.

On top of that, Fundoshi Parade reported a favorable CPI cost when compared to other acquisition channels. “Tapjoy’s Multi-Reward campaigns allow us to acquire customers at a lower cost compared to other media,” said

“With Multi-Reward CPE advertising, we keep new players motivated by rewarding them at strategic points throughout the game. Retention rate has improved, and we consistently record a high ROAS and lower cost per install.”

- Pechisuke, Marketer, Fundoshi Parade

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